Monday, March 15, 2010

9 Days To Go

Testing Week Rehearsal
We are still rehearsing during testing week. Students with less than 180 points should report to the band room at 8 AM to get extra help from the directors. Solo, section features, and other special rehearsals will be taking place tomorrow and Thursday. The next full rehearsal is Wednesday morning at 10:30 AM sharp in the North Gym. Please follow the directions for entering the school through the band room as laid out in previous posts.

Final Document Meeting
The Final Document Meeting is this Wednesday, March 17, in the Shaker Middle School Auditorium. Document pass-out will begin at 6:30 PM, and the meeting itself will begin as close to 7 PM as possible. Please plan on arriving early to avoid long lines and speed up the process.

Trip Itinerary
Click here to view a detailed trip itinerary.

Final History Lesson
Here is a final history lesson on three trip stops: Dachau Concentration Camp, Brenner Pass, and Neuschwanstein Castle.