Friday, February 12, 2010

5 Weeks Until the Alps

Here's another update regarding "Shaker Crosses The Alps." These announcements have been made during morning band rehearsals, and the band staff is asking all parents to echo them at home as well as the window of time until the trip closes.

Student and chaperone passports are due IMMEDIATELY. We are still waiting on 33 passports. The copying and sorting process described in the previous post is already occurring because we cannot wait any longer.

Marching Instruments
All marching instruments are prepared for pick-up and should have been signed out by now.

Students have received 18 of the 20 pieces of music we will be performing on the trip (the Austrian and Italian national anthems will be coming soon), along with flip-folders and lyres. Flip-folders should be loaded with the music in the order that was passed out, and pages should be taped on each side to avoid losing music. Trumpet, trombone, snare drum, and bass drum players need to stop by the band office to pick up extra windows and heavy-duty rings. Testing has already begun and students who have not checked off at least some pieces from the list with a director are behind. Students should be prepared for some early rehearsals (before 8:05) in the month of March.

Six-Week Questionnaire
The questionnaire is still available here. We are still waiting for 46 student, 12 chaperone, and 21 shadow trip participant questionnaires. Those questionnaires contain important information regarding dietary restrictions and preferences that are necessary for planning meals. The order for the clothing printer will be placed soon, and students who do not return this form by Tuesday morning will not receive their trip hoodie. Medical forms will be coming out soon, please be on the look out for them and return them as soon as possible.

Finally, remember that the very important Final Document Meeting has been scheduled for March 17 at 7 PM in the Shaker Middle School Auditorium.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Audio and Video Pages Updated

Taking a break from trip updates, the "Audio" and "Video" pages under the "Downloads" heading have been updated with tracks and videos from the High School concerts on December 14 and 15. You can click on the links to watch or listen online, or you can right-click on the link, select "Save Target As," and assign a name to the file to save it to your own computer. More audio and video to come!