Thursday, March 11, 2010

14 Days To Go

Thank you for your support as we prepare for the trip. It is difficult to reply to each individual question, so we try to address questions that apply to more than one person in our group emails.

Music Tests
Score totals and individual point scoring sheets are posted twice daily outside the band room.
-60% of the students have between 170 and 200 test points (200 is perfect). This is where they should be at noon on Thursday (which it is).
-24% of the students are close to the pace, with a score of 125-169
-15% of the students are a behind the pace, with a score of 52-124
-2 students, or <1% of the students, are below 50 and have a lot of work to do.
Wait until you hear our kids, they sound awesome! Nice Work.

Testing Week
We must follow all procedures outlined below- Read the entire section so you know what to do.

We will rehearse early on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Prior to rehearsal on Monday, Wednesday and Friday the directors will be available for help. Tuesday and Thursday will be for sectionals, soloists and help sessions. If you keep your instrument in your hall locker, take it home each night. You will not have access to it when you need it.

Monday’s Rehearsal- 10:30 AM Sharp
If you are testing- relax- do a great job on your test. The test comes first no ifs, ands or buts.

-After your test, you can be released at 10:00 a.m. (10:40 for the late slot)
-Once released, come directly to the band room- the halls must remain clear.
-Bring a pack lunch to eat (school goes until 3:10 each day).
-Eat your lunch in the band room, then meet us for rehearsal.

If you are not testing and your music score is above 180 points- be here by 10:15 for the 10:30 rehearsal. You may enter the school only through the band room entrance. You may not use any other door, walk through hallways or use your hall locker. Remember to eat before coming, there are not lunch periods throughout the shortened day.

If you are not testing and your music test is below 180 points- be here by 8:05 a.m. Don’t sleep in until your music is ready. The directors will be here each morning starting as early as 7:30 a.m. We are here for help and/or testing. You may only enter the school through the band room entrance. You may not use any other door, walk through hallways or use your hall locker. Remember to pack a lunch before coming, there are not lunch periods throughout the shortened day.

The school is permitting us this extra practice time. Be sure to follow all expectations. We need this time.

Dots and music order sheet were handed out.
Instructions are on the sheet. Folders should be perfect. Please check your son’s or daughter’s flip folder to see if it is in order.

Important Dates
March 17- Final trip meeting. Mandatory attendance (every household must be represented), March 22- Trip Preview concert- No excuses. 100% attendance. Large instrument packing will follow the concert

Medical Forms and Liability Forms are past due (only 97% in).

If you are missing music, copy someone else’s part. Don’t root through the band office.

Flute and Clarinet players will either have a band office case assigned to transport (carriers, tools…), be assigned to assist a sousaphone or quad player, or have a second ‘uniform suitcase’. Find four non-flute/clarinet playing band members and tell them you can be their uniform buddy to Milan and home from Munich. Give a list to Mr. Deep and you will be one of our uniform transporters. We need about half of the flute/clarinet players to handle uniforms. On return to Shaker, you will need to bring your suitcase to school the first day we return to turn in the uniforms.

Marching practice will happen outside. Be prepared. Hope for warm weather.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Date Correction

Yesterday's posting had an incorrect date. The Trip Concert will be held on Monday, March 22 at 7 PM in the North Gym at SHHS. 100% attendance is expected from all students. Sorry for the misinformation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

15 Days to Go

Important Dates- All Events Start At 7 PM
March 11- Chaperone Meeting at Dr. Grant’s House
March 17- Final Document Meeting at the Middle School (every family must be represented)
March 21- Trip Concert in the High School North Gym (100% attendance from our students)

Music Testing is going well for more than 85% of our students
Wednesday's Assignments
170 points or more- Multipurpose Room at 8 AM
91 to 169 points- Large Auditorium at 7:55
90 points or less- Practice Rooms C and D at 7:45

Euros- get at least a few as a starter
We hear that Charter One bank, on Warrensville by Target, has a large supply of Euros on site. You can get these even if it is not your bank.

Current rates:
-1 US Dollar = .73 Euro
-1 Euro = 1.36 US Dollar

Everyone is permitted one suitcase and one small carry-on. These must fit within the size and weight limitations of your air carrier.

Phoning Home and Checking Email
We recommend that you contact your long distance provider and obtain an international calling card that includes a list of country access codes. You can also deposit coins into pay-phones, or use phone cards that can be purchased in Newspaper or Tobacco Shops. However, this is much more difficult than in the past thanks to cell phones. Do not dial home from your hotel room as heavy surcharges can be applied, for which you will be responsible. Be aware that the use of personal cell phones may carry substantial voice/data roaming charges. Check with your individual provider prior to departure for these fees.
Computer access is not free and is very limited at our hotels. There are internet cafes where students may have a chance to check email. However, since the students will be in groups, access will be limited. Also, the rest of the group may not want to check email. It is best to assume that you will not hear from your son or daughter while they are traveling. That way if you are contacted, it’s a bonus.
There are two adults planning on keeping everyone informed. One is planning a ‘virtual shadow trip’ (I love the name). The other plans on uploading photos, a blog and possibly small video clips daily. This is your best bet to stay in touch.

More History Lessons
This history of Salzburg puts emphasis on the religious tyranny that has effected southern Europe for Centuries. Modern European History emphasizes the Nazi influence. A broader perspective brings to light the long history of strife throughout Europe; much of which was based on religion. Click here to read more.