Thursday, August 21, 2014

Call Time for Preview Show

The band looks and sounds great (even though we almost got rained on today) and we can't wait to put on our Preview Show for you tomorrow!  Call time will be 10 AM on the Practice Field.  We will have a show for you rain or shine. Weather permitting we will perform the stadium at 12 noon.  In case of rain, we will have a brief concert in the North Gym, also at 12 noon. Either way, you will get to see and hear some of our hard work, and some great Squad Day costumes!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another Schedule Change

Another great day of band camp, and we managed to avoid the rain (but not the mud)!

We have a schedule change to make you aware of, and it essentially returns us to the normal schedule we had put out in our information packet.  The next two days of band camp will be as follows:

Thursday: Call time is 8 AM on the front lawn in Shaker attire (preferably a red or white shirt).  We will perform from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM as the district staff make their way into the staff convocation, all are welcome to attend and support the staff and the band.  Following that performance we will continue with band camp as planned, ending at 3 PM, with the Band Booster lunch being served at 12:30 PM (pizza, drinks, and dessert provided).

Friday: Call time is TBA (between 9 AM and 10 AM) depending on rehearsals on Thursday for the Preview Show and Squad Day.  The Preview Show performance will be at 12 noon in the stadium, all are welcome.

The directors would like to thank the district administration and our band parents for their support and for accommodating our original schedule.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Schedule Changes to Band Camp

We have had a great first two days of Band Camp and already have the entire show on the field!  There are several schedule changes in the coming days for parents and students to be aware of and plan for.  The schedule for the next few days is as follows:

Wednesday: Band Camp at the MS from 8:30 AM to 3 PM.  Rain is in the forecast and we will be outdoors as much as possible, potentially be marching on a muddy field, so please dress accordingly. Percussion and Tuba will load the equipment bus and head over to the HS at 2 PM to unload.  Sophomore uniform fittings from 3 PM to 6 PM.

Thursday: Call time will be 8 AM on the front lawn of the HS for a performance at the Staff Convocation.  The performance will last from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM.  We will have rehearsal following until 12:30 PM.  At 12:30 PM, students will go to the Band Booster Lunch (pizza, cookies, and drinks provided), then be dismissed around 1 PM.  Freshmen uniform fittings will be held from 3 PM to 7 PM.

Friday: Call time will be 11 AM for Squad Day and the Preview Show.  The Preview Show performance will be at Noon in the stadium, all are welcome!  Students will be dismissed following the Preview Show, approximately 12:30 PM.