First, from our uniform committee:
Almost all band uniform items have been collected and processed by the Band Uniform Committee. Many students handed in a raincoat that was originally assigned to another student, but there are still a small number of raincoats unaccounted for. Please check all closets, cars, and anywhere else a marching band raincoat might be, and return it to the high school Band Office if found. Even if a student has already handed in a raincoat, please make sure that there is not an extra one somewhere that should be returned. Any other band uniform items found, for example suspenders, should also be returned, even if a student will be continuing to participate in marching band in future years. There will be no penalty for turning in items late. Red polos, white pants, white t-shirts, berets, and gloves do not have to be turned in but may be donated if no longer needed. Thank you!
And the last post about marching band (for a while):
Here's a video of the Senior Show. Great job Class of 2011!